Our professional advisors
dr. Katalin Vértesy
Lawyer, Chartered Accountant
She’s been working in accountancy since 1998, first as a bookkeeper, then as a chief accountant, tax advisor, and controller. She has obtained an economist, a Chartered Accountant, a Tax Advisor and later on a law degree and qualifications. She’s been cooperating as a bookkeeper with predecessor of the Szerencsés és Hajdu Law Firm since 2014, and since November 2020, serves as the Senior Officer of HÍD Könyvelőiroda Kft., overviewing the professional work.
Tax Advisory
Legal Advisory
Bookkeeping services
Business Consulting
HÍD Consulting address:
Duna Tower B Floor 8
Népfürdő utca 22.
H-1138 Budapest
HÍD Bookkeeping address:
Hajdú utca 27. Floor 2
H-1139 Budapest